Renee, Brett, Tyler, Rylie, and I all met at Cold Stone for ice cream. Rylie & Tyler thought it was to celebrate Rylie’s birthday which happened to be March 2nd. After ordering some yummy ice cream, Tyler informs Rylie that there were flower girl tryouts last weekend. She’s whispering (well, sort-of) that Rylie should to ask me to “try out”. Rylie feels much to shy, so Tyler begins to ask who I’ve selected for a flower girl and if there are still tryouts. After a long conversation, she manages to ask me if our flower girls would be her and Rylie. After I said, “Well, I’m not sure…you guys might be too old” She informs me that, “WE’RE ALL YA GOT!” 🙂 Renee proceeds to look up the average flower girl age on her phone and we torment them a little longer
Later, I gave Rylie a gift. She carefully opened up the box, and found a shirt. BOTH Rylie and Tyler looked at the shirt (including the tags—which seemed to be rather interesting apparently!?) BUT did not get that the shirt said “Flower Girl” instead of just “Girl.”
Jen was looked at Tyler and was worried that she would soon begin to cry, so she hurried and gave her the 2nd gift. She was back to her happy self. She opened the gift and neither of the girls got the “flower girl” part yet.
Renee asked Tyler, “What does that say?” and Tyler replied, “Girl.” Renee asked, “What’s above the writing?” and Tyler says (matter of factly…) “A flower” All of a sudden Rylie lit up, “Ohhhh… Flooowwwwer Girrrl!!”Ă‚Â
The girls giggle feverishly and embrace. They decide it’s time to run to the bathroom and change in to their matching flower girl shirts.
Upon returning, full of cuteness…they proudly pose for photos with their new flower girl shirts.
They dance in circles chanting, “I can’t believe we’re flower girls, I can’t believe we’re flower girls!!” They do this for the next 20 minutes until it’s time to go.
They depart with a high-five and a final chant… “Flower Girl Power!”
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