26 days left!

June 11th, 2007 by Jennifer

Today’s RSVP’s:

Newmans RSVP for 5

Darlene, Stacey, Tina RSVP for 3

What we accomplished today:

Tied the rest of the chair ribbons
Made “Master Wedding To Do List”
Ordered Carson & Keagan’s Gifts
Worked on Playlist
Follow up with catering (Brett)
Look for Lights for Decorating (Brett)
Call Hotel for Rate Lock (Brett)

Today, we were supposed to meet Starry Nights Catering at 7 pm. They ditched us. Matt, called and apologized all over the place. He was kind and easy to forgive! Atleast he’s calling us back and being accountable UNLIKE Court in the Square who has been completely aloof and treated us like we were unimportant.

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